Thursday, March 16, 2006

Our First Attempt With Capitalism!

For all of your travel needs, call Miloj or Slobodan Gack at 1-800-Kill-Lemurs and we'll book it! Just read some of the following testamonials:

"My wife and I hadn't had a vacation since 1968. We called the Gacks and they booked us on an all-inclusive boat tour of the Polyarnyi Inlet near Murmansk. We will never vacation again." - Frank and Paula Spore.

"Is this the right number for the free Jerry Vale tickets?" - Unknown

"Their vacation package to Cuba to visit the sugar cane fields rocks! I got to see a very small part of Cuba and lost 27 pounds!" - Melnor Q Ratts, computer programmer.

" I can't believe they charge $3700.00 per day for "Maid Of The Mist" tickets." - Reverend Jerry Walnut, computer programmer.


dpurdynyc said...

I loved this ... thanks for making me laugh!!

Miloj Gack! said...

The pleasure is all ours. Stay tuned.