Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What? Something new? Nah........

As a result of several months inactivity coupled with a major lifestyle change, I Miloj Gack bring you the latest in cynicism and sarcasm.

President George Bush claims that the ongoing was in Iraq hasn’t made it easier for terrorist organizations to recruit new members. No, what’s made it easier for terrorist organizations to recruit new members is the promise of water skiing lessons and all the Cheese Whiz they can eat. Osama Bin Laden is rumored to have died of Typhoid or Bronchitis or Mumps or Consumption or Halitosis or something. Anything. Please. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has promised free elections for everyone as long as they can play a wind instrument or tap dance.

Locally, Toronto City Council decided that it would be a “good idea” that they “look into” raw sewage being dumped into Taylor Creek in the city’s east end. Personally I think Toronto City Council be dumped into Taylor Creek to study the situation closely. Canadian airlines have decided that it’s okay to bring small containers of benign liquids onto airplanes again, as long as they were bought after the security checkpoints and as long as they were no bigger than 90mL and in a resealable bag no bigger than 1L in capacity and as long as it was packed by an Icelandic person or someone of Icelandic origin with a first name that contained no more than 6 letters, preferably someone named Gary or Ben.

Toronto Maple Leaf stalwart goal scoring genius, Unibrow Incorporated spokesman and general all-round good-guy Tie Domi caught with his pants down and his John Thomas “At Attention” with political reliability poster girl Belinda Stronach, Domi’s estranged wife Leanne is claiming that the marriage was abusive and wants a great deal of money to help extinguish the angst. Funny how large sums of cash alleviate the need for therapy.

And that’s all I got for now.


Creaulx said...

It's good to see the Gack Attack Back. On the Tie Domi front, glad to see he finally found his scoring touch - however misplaced and inappropriate it might be. His play on the Leafs would never have led me to suspect he was an abusive Neanderthal. What a shocker! I guess the novelty of being dragged into the house by her hair after being clubbed into submission finally wore off for wife Leanne. Obviously, only a tractor-trailer full of money can heal that wound.

Miloj Gack! said...

A tractor-trailer load of money and some fish. That'll make any heartache go away.

Slobo Gack! said...

Miloj, that picture may not truly reflect your abilities as a cynicasm master. Or sarcism or stuff.
Good cover though.

Miloj Gack! said...

Better choice?

Creaulx said...

"Cynicasm" - it defies description. "Sarcophagusm", now that's a diffident stony.