So I was browsing through the want-ads the other day, looking at the various postings and job vacancies and reading the "fine print" that most of these ads offer. There is one "need" that seems to crop up again and again. For example; "Forward-thinking kangaroo ranch owner needs a warm body to fill the accounts payable role in this busy 1200 person office. Job outline to include Accounts Payable, some Accounts Receivables, month end reporting, other duties as required."
Curious. Other duties as required can mean anything. Anything from changing the air filters to changing the weights on the scale to scam old people out of their granola. A business can ask you to do anything for them as long as it’s legal (doesn’t involve violating people, animals or plant matter) and not dangerous (setting yourself or anyone else on fire to see if the sprinklers in the office work) and if you know what’s good for you you’ll do it because there are 99 people behind you willing to do it for half the money.
Other duties as required has an almost unpleasant sound to it, like you’d come into work someday to the boss wearing nothing but a diaper and asking you to change him as he’s “made a stinky” or going into the supply closet with the smelly, morbidly overweight mail room clerk for “services” to stop him from squealing your Anbesol habit to the President of the company.
Curious. Other duties as required can mean anything. Anything from changing the air filters to changing the weights on the scale to scam old people out of their granola. A business can ask you to do anything for them as long as it’s legal (doesn’t involve violating people, animals or plant matter) and not dangerous (setting yourself or anyone else on fire to see if the sprinklers in the office work) and if you know what’s good for you you’ll do it because there are 99 people behind you willing to do it for half the money.
Other duties as required has an almost unpleasant sound to it, like you’d come into work someday to the boss wearing nothing but a diaper and asking you to change him as he’s “made a stinky” or going into the supply closet with the smelly, morbidly overweight mail room clerk for “services” to stop him from squealing your Anbesol habit to the President of the company.